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Abandoned Gun Factory FOUND CRATES OF AKM/47 Rifles for Soviet Russia (POLAND)

abandoned gun factory

This was an abandoned gun factory that was still privately owned. These guys got permission to go inside and were given a tour. Part of the building is still used for the new gun factory which still produces guns so they use this abandoned place for extra storage. * He was not allowed to show any weapons in this video as the guard did not want me to so i respectfully did so *

The years of communist rule in Poland spans from 1945 to 1989 the period of Soviet communist dominance imposed after the end of World War II over what had become the Polish People’s Republic. Between this time, industrial workers would work in military factories disguised as normal factories Often times having the lower level floors consist of a sewing factory while the upper floors were secretly producing weapons for Soviet Russia.

Workers were often treated poorly and a lot were longing for their freedom Communism in Poland then came to an end when Lech Walensa gathered working people together and formed a Union called Solidarity, demanding worker rights, better working conditions and wages. His movement would ultimately overthrow communism in Poland. This abandoned building i’m about to explore embodies just that.

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